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От Кристина / 12.11.2017
Увлекательный сюжет, забавные герои, очень хорошие рисунки.

Оценка:5 / Читать.
От Проходил мимо. / 28.10.2017
Книгу прочел за одну ночь. Пробило на слёзы. Увлекательно. ...

Оценка:5 / Читать.
От Дмитрий / 03.06.2017
Очень интересная книга.Стихи очень понравились.

Оценка:5 / Читать.

Inside Africa

Inside Africa
Категория: Литература на английском языке
Цена: 2961 руб.
Доступность: Отсутствует
Издатель: Taschen
Год: 2009
Серия: none
ISBN: 978-3-8228-4817-3
Автор: Couderc Frederic, Dougier Laurence
(Обратите внимание, что товар отсутствует на складе, возможно только отложить товар на будущее)
We've searched far and wide, through Africa's deserts and jungles, cities and wildlife reserves, islands and mountains, to uncover the continent's most inspirational dwellings; our goal was to find the kind of interiors that defy description, and we think the results will definitely leave you speechless. Nestled within these pages you'll find lush modern homes mingling with mud huts, funky artists' studios, elegant lodges, minimalist houses, ornate traditional homes, townships and much more-all lovingly built and decorated with sensitivity, creativity, craftsmanship, individuality, and sensuality. The photographer: Deidi von Schaewen, who has lived in Paris for thirty years, is a contributor to a range of international periodicals and a film-maker, and has published numerous books. Her publications with TASCHEN include Indian Interiors, Fantasy Worlds, and Gardens of Provence. For Inside Africa, she made fifteen journeys in the space of four years, visiting twenty African countries. The editor: Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN since 1987, she has published numerous titles on the themes of architecture, photography, design, and contemporary art. Издание на английском, французском и немецком языках.






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